Poop socially,
with PooPals.

PooPals pooping screen
Happy poopers
Countries pooped
Total poops recorded

Poop happier

Say hello to PooPals.

Introducing PooPals, the ultimate toilet companion designed to transform your bathroom breaks into moments of entertainment and connection! Crafted with the unique purpose of enhancing your time on the throne, our app provides access to curated content and social interactions, ensuring that every visit to the toilet becomes a delightful experience. Say goodbye to boredom and hello to a personalized oasis of entertainment – because why waste a moment when you can make the most of it with PooPals!

While pooping

With friends

Everything gets better with friends, and so does PooPals!

Chat with the community.
Send messages and drawings to other poopers and build unbreakable bonds.
Interact with your friends.
Send cheers and noodges to your friends whenever they're pooping.
Become the top pooper.
Score the highest amount of PooPoints at the end of the month and engrave your name into the Olympus of greatest poopers.
Cheer for your friends
The smartest pooper

While pooping


If you don't feel like socializing, PooPals is also for you!

Learn something new.
Be the smartest person of the outside world after learning new facts every day.
Watch videos.
Get entertained by watching some videos of the curated list our algorithm picks for you on a daily basis.

Before or after pooping

Enjoy PooPals all the time

PooPals is packed with features to be enjoyed even when not pooping!

Keep track
Track your bowel movements on our detailed log or get an overview of the toilets you've pooped from on our PoopMap.
Get awards
Unlock and share special pooping achievements such as discovering new toilets or keeping a healthy streak.
Analyze your performance
Discover all of your pooping insights with our charts and statistics.
Stay up to date
Get notified whenever any of your friends starts pooping so you can send some much needed strength.
Your data
We care about data, that's why all of our traffic gets cyphered from end to end, is stored securely and we comply with the European regulations.
Advanced security
Logging in with Google is safer and eliminates the need of a password, plus it lets you retrieve your account from any device.
Poop map demo
Poop charts demo

Poop with friends

Join PooPals!

PooPals is in active development at the moment, so expect for these features to improve significantly over time or for new ones to arrive!

Hello PooPals!